Welcome to True and United Friends Lodge of Czech Republic
About Us


Founded in 1784 – 1785, TAUF is the first English speaking lodge in Brno. Founded by members from different parts of the world, TAUF offers a truly multi-cultural experience.

Freemasonry in Brno

There have been individual Masons in Moravia for a few centuries, but it was only after the end of the Seven Years War (1756-1763) that their numbers increased substantially. They did not yet have a consolidated organization, but some of them, followers of Templar-orientated `strict observance’ Masonry, were in the Societe patriotigue in Brno. As late as 1782, the Freemasons of Brno established the lodge which they named The Rising Sun in the Orient. The lodge was conceived as a ‘knightly order’ of Templar Masonry and thus included a number of aristocrats (Salm-Reifferscheidt, Monte l’Abbate, Mittrows, Kaunitz). ‘The main role of the lodge however, was to provide an oasis, a refuge from the imperfections of the world.

Freemason values

Freemasonry has always been about
Integrity: We say what we mean and we keep our promises.
Kindness: Although our families come first, we believe in playing a key role in our communities and give time and money to charitable ventures.

Making good men better: Individuals aim to shape their lives round five core principles.

Honesty: We pride ourselves on openness, about what being a Freemason means for us.
Fairness: We treat everyone as equal – we listen to others, explore any differences and look for common ground.
Tolerance: We respect the opinions of others and behave with understanding towards them.

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